September 5, 2023

The end of the physical learning

With the increase of technological advancements like the internet, the Internet of Things, online platforms, virtual classrooms, interactive simulations, and the merge of artificial intelligence eLearning has been increasing for the past 3 years and will be more in the coming years.

Even though it has been predicted that traditional in-person methods of education and learning will be replaced or significantly diminished by digital or remote learning alternatives, it might take some considerable time for some reasons. According to some other peoples’ opinions, it might be less physical classrooms, lecture halls, and face-to-face interactions between students and teachers, or maybe a hybrid version of both may exist for some considerable time.

On the other hand, due to various reasons by the means of time, physical learning might come to an end. Even kindergarten kids now practicing distance learning. This has been seen and practiced heavily due to the Covid-19 pandemic since the year 2020.

What is e-Learning?

e-learning stands for electronic learning which is a method of education that utilizes electronic technologies to deliver educational content and facilitate learning. It involves the use of computers, the internet, and other digital devices like smart television to access educational materials and resources. e-learning can be produced in various forms like online courses, virtual classrooms, webinars, interactive multimedia presentations, and digital media simulations.

Apart from the nature of electronic involvement, e-Learning has intrinsic favorable characteristics such as flexibility, interactivity, multimedia, accessibility, scalability, cost-effectiveness, and convenience to be named. If we have a close look at them they can be explained below;   

  1. Flexibility: Learners can access the content at their own pace and convenience, allowing for greater flexibility in scheduling and learning from any location with internet access.

       2. Interactivity: e-learning material often comes up with interactive elements such as quizzes, simulations, and multimedia content to engage with learners and enhance the learning experience.

      3. Multimedia: e-learning integrates various media formats like text, images, audio, and video to present information in a dynamic, interactive, and engaging manner.

      4. Accessibility: It offers immense opportunities for any type of individuals who may have limitations or barriers to traditional education, such as time limitations, physical         disabilities, or geographical constraints.

       5. Scalability: e-learning can accommodate large numbers of learners simultaneously, making it suitable for both individual learners and large organizations or educational institutions.

  1. Cost-effectiveness: In many cases, e-learning can be more cost-effective than traditional in-person training since it reduces the need for physical classrooms, printed materials, and travel expenses.

With the severe involvement of technological advancement, the internet, and favorable characteristics as solutions for hectic lifestyles, e-learning has become increasingly popular among educational segments including schools, universities, corporate training, professional development, and personal skill enhancement. The continuous evolution of technology will continue offering more advanced and effective methods of delivering education and training to learners worldwide therefore it is a must to get familiar with and adapted and use them effectively.

How to use e-Learning materials effectively?

Using e-learning materials effectively requires a strategic approach to maximize learning outcomes. Here are some tips to help you make the most of e-learning resources:

  1. Set Clear Goals: your objectives must be defined. What do you actually want to achieve through the e-learning materials? Having clear goals will help you stay focused and motivated. For example, you can fix long-term goals and short-term goals. Let’s say you engage with an online yoga class while focusing on the long-term plan of an exam.

      2. Organize Your Time: Create a study schedule that fits your day-to-day life to break off the accustomed routine. Allocate specific time slots for e-learning to ensure consistency and prevent procrastination. For example, you might feel that you can refer the material anytime but it would lead you to lose time. If you missed some that will leave more to next time.

      3. Select High-Quality and Reliable Resources: Follow reputable e-learning platforms, courses, or materials. Read reviews, consider others’ recommendations, and ensure the content aligns with your learning objectives.

      4. Engage Actively: It is required to actively participate in the learning process such as taking notes, asking questions, and engaging in discussions or forums if available. Interaction enhances understanding, stay current and retention.

      5. Stay Disciplined: Treat e-learning like traditional learning like you are in a physical class for example. Minimize distractions, find a quiet space, and avoid multitasking during study sessions. In simple terms, you should avoid your phone and if you can just switch off the phone.

     6. Break Content into Smaller Chunks: E-learning materials can be dense. Divide the content into smaller sections or modules, making it easier to digest and preventing information overload. If you can break down the main task into pieces of activities whenever complete any of them, you might feel a sense of accomplishment by means of time. For example, you can assign yourself to read a book and you can mark the progress of completion.

     7. Use Multimedia: If the materials include multimedia elements like videos, animations, or interactive simulations, engage with them fully. Visual and interactive content can enhance comprehension.

     8. Jot down Notes: Summarize key points, concepts, and your own thoughts while studying. For example, you can have your own presentation, and scribes based on video tutorials. This method helps in retention and provides a quick reference for later review.

       9. Test Yourself: Most e-learning platforms provide quizzes or self-assessment tools. Use as much as regularly to test your skills and understanding to identify areas that need more focus.

      10. Try to find Clarification: If you have doubts, questions, or need clarification on a topic, don’t hesitate to reach out to instructors, peers, or online forums.

      11. Apply Knowledge: Apply what you’ve learned in real-life situations if possible. Practical application reinforces understanding and makes the learning experience more meaningful.

       12. Review and Revise: Review your notes time-to-time and education materials to support your memory. Revise concepts that you find challenging or have them hung on your wall.

       13. Stay Motivated: Set rewards for completing certain milestones. Join study groups or connect with fellow learners to share experiences and maintain motivation. To support this refrain from listening to gloomy music and choose motivational songs, and films to build confidence in you.

     14. Track Progress: Many e-learning platforms offer progress tracking if not monitor your own progress to see how far you have reached and where you need to focus more.

     15. Have your own Reflect on Learning: Regularly reflect on what you’ve learned. How does it connect to your goals? How can you apply it in your life or work?

      16. Stay Updated: E-learning materials might be updated or expanded over time. Check for updates to ensure you’re accessing the latest information.

Always keep in mind that, effective e-learning involves active participation, critical thinking, and consistent effort. Adapting the above tips to your learning style and preferences for the best results. However, being in front of LED screens will expose you to blue light that emanates from electronic devices and it will cause faster your age.