Protect your freedom of the digital sphere; learn more on cybersecurity!

June 7, 2023

The first line of defense in the digital age: Cybersecurity!

 Things you should know about cybersecurity in the digital world

The world we know is on a full-scale digital swing right now. The physical world has transformed into a giant, all-encompassing information system, and almost every aspect of the world is operating digitally today. As the digital world rapidly evolves, the threads to the digital sphere also involve parallel. Hence the need for robust cybersecurity solutions has become a modern-day imperative to fight against impending cybersecurity threats, including privacy and data breaches.

In that perspective, it is all-important for anyone who uses a computer for professional work in modern days -from an intern to an executive officer- to be armed with ample knowledge of cybersecurity and means to fend off cybersecurity menaces. And it’s vital for everybody without discrimination -from multinational companies to small-scale startups, industrial giants to entrepreneurs- to get better at shielding various cybersecurity threats!

Types of cybersecurity threats


Malicious software such as spyware, ransomware, trojans, viruses and worms fall under the umbrella term malware. When a user clicks on a malicious link or attachment, the malware will install itself in your system and start the intended harmful operations.


A fake email or message designed to trick a user into following instructions that appear legitimate and steal sensitive information such as credit card numbers and PINs is an example of phishing attacks.


DoS or ‘Denial of Service’ can flood a system or a network so it can’t respond. A ‘Distributed Denial of Service’ is the same, but the attack may originate from a computer network. And the attackers use various means to achieve this goal; a botnet is an example.

Social engineering

This strategy will target revealing the specific information that a hacker can use to enter a system illegally. The techniques can vary from baiting to spear phishing. In social engeneering, attackers will exploit human psychology, often by using persuasive tactics via phone calls, emails, or in-person interactions.

These are a few popular cybersecurity threats that any system would face at any given time. However, the scary part is that the list would not end here. And the scariest part is that as the digital world is evolving at an unprecedented speed, the threats are also evolving, and we can see new types of hazards and novel means emerge.

Types of Cybersecurity

Network Security:

Protecting the integrity and confidentiality of system networks and data transmissions needs network security. Taking measures such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and VPNs will help prevent unauthorized access and data breaches, which we have seen a fair share in our lifetime as ’90s people.

Application Security:

Application security involves protecting software applications from threats and vulnerabilities. This type of cybersecurity ensures that applications are developed, tested, and maintained with secure coding practices. A lack of robust application security implementation can lead to data leaks or unauthorized access.

Information Security:

Devising means, such as utilizing access controls, encryption, and security policies, are placed under information security to prevent sensitive data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.

Cloud Security:

Since we use cloud computing and cloud data, storage means more and more nowadays, securing cloud-based systems and data has become crucial for cybersecurity. It involves protecting cloud infrastructure, services, and applications from unauthorized access, data breaches, and data loss.

Mobile Security:

Mobile security focuses on protecting smartphones, tablets, and other smart mobile devices from threats such as malware, phishing, and simply unauthorized access. As mobile devices we have in hand today store oceans of personal and sensitive information, the knowledge of mobile security is imperative even for any netizen.

Tips for users to secure their digital worlds

Protecting your data in this digital from unauthorized attacks and breaches is a continuous effort that requires vigilance and adherence to cybersecurity best practices. By practising the following, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to cyber threats and safeguard sensitive information. A few of the best cybersecurity practices can be listed as follows:

Strong and unique passwords:

As any password requited app or website always advises, strong and unique passwords can be considered the first line of defence. Using common passwords or personal information that can be easily guessed is a sure mistake. Instead, creating complex passwords with a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols will solidify your password strength. Additionally, ensure that each of your accounts has a unique password to minimize the impact of a potential data breach.

Two-Factor authentication:

Two-factor authentication is a relatively new practice, and it adds an extra layer of security to your accounts by requiring you to provide an additional verification method, such as a temporary code sent to your mobile device or an authenticator app confirmation, in addition to your password. Enabling Two-Factor Authentication whenever available will add an extra defence line against unauthorized access to your accounts.

Keeping software and devices updated:

Regularly updating your software, applications, and systems is vital for maintaining strong cybersecurity. Updates often include security patches that address known vulnerabilities. Either setting your devices and applications to automatically install updates or checking for updates from time to time will ensure that you have the latest security features and protections against emerging threats.

Being cautious of phishing attempts:

Common sense plays a great part in defending you from phishing attacks! Being vigilant and avoiding mindless clicking when interacting with emails, messages, or websites that request personal or sensitive information will help you to prevent phishing attempts. Clicking on suspicious links or downloading attachments from unknown sources, even if a known person sent them via email, are known faults that people fall prey to phishers. Also, remember that legitimate organizations will never ask for sensitive information through email or other insecure means.

Secure Wi-Fi networks:

Use extreme caution if you choose to access the internet on public Wi-Fi networks, as these networks can be vulnerable to hackers. Avoid accessing sensitive information, such as banking or personal accounts, when connected to public Wi-Fi. Instead, use a good virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your internet traffic and protect your data from prying eyes. Protecting your private networks with complex passwords and two-factor authentication is also vital.

Regularly Backup Your Data:

In case of a ransomware attack or data loss, having regular backups of your important files is a lifesaver. Let your systems automatically backup your data regularly to an external hard drive or cloud storage service. It will ensure that even if your data becomes compromised or inaccessible, you can easily restore it from a backup and minimize the impact of the threat.

Top-notch cybersecurity products:

Having top-notch cybersecurity products at your disposal is important, too, especially if you are an entrepreneur or an enterprise. As a leading digital service vendor in Sri Lanka, SLTMobitel offers a range of cybersecurity means that are at par with industry-standard procedures and technology to protect their customers from exploitable network vulnerabilities. Those products cover application security, network security, and cloud security, as well as DDoS Protection Services.

Knowledge on ICT

Knowledge is power. Systematic knowledge of Information and communication technology will naturally empower people to recognize cybersecurity threats and safeguard themselves prior. The Professional Advanced IT course conducted by e-Siphala from SLTMobitel will cater to that need conveniently. The course is divided into parts 1, part 2, and part 3, enveloping computer history to advance computer hardware.

Remember. To stay safe from modern-day cybersecurity threats, you don’t have to be a tech wizard. Just stay informed, stay proactive, and prioritize the security of your data.