Pushpanatha Bandara (A.R. Bandara)

Hi, I'm Pushpanatha Bandara . I completed primary education at Galahitiyawa Central College . I also completed secondary education at Dharmaraja College, Kandy. I successfully completed his education as a Bsc (UOC) Has been a full time tutor for 5 years. I have successfully taught classes in three major districts of the island namely Gampaha (oriyental), Kandy (sudarmaramaya) and Colombo (uni-chem). Colombo District8 Gampaha District 13/20 Nuwara Eliya District11 Anuradhapura District 6th Revolutionary Teacher is one of the most revolutionary teachers in the island who has produced over 100 students in the districts and has now made more than 100 university graduates .
